Pict of Tano and Joyce

Tano and Joyce

You met Joyce in "Small Circle of Friends" at Bob and Judy's tub in Quebec. Joyce also preceded us to San Francisco and paired off with Tano Maida, a friend who I am proud to say I know for 26 years with nary a cross word between us.

Gaetano Kazuo Maida in his own words...

"I am very happily married to a wonderful woman, Ayelet. She and I have a book, film, and multimedia production company called Legacy Media, Inc.
and our most recent release is a Holocaust memoir of her parents entitled Glimpses (North Atlantic Books). Our film about Vietnamese peace activist /Zen teacher Thich Nhat Hanh, "Peace Is Every Step," is nearing completion for broadcast later this year (we hope!)." Here's another cool photo of Tano.

Oh yes, Joyce recently remarried and honeymooned in Paris.

P.S.. Tano has recently asked "Maybe a date on the photo will clarify the big difference in my appearance"

OK...For those doing a Web search for Tano, or Gaetano Kazuo Maida...this above photo was taken circa 1969.
